Friday, May 8, 2009

Are Ess Ess

Lately I have noticed that orange box in programs and websites, and I just kind of ignored them. Namely when you set up your email in Microsoft Outlook you are asked if you want to subscribe to RSS feeds, so I hit "yes", never reading them and not seeing the point behind them because all the feeds were basically Microsoft telling me how awesome their products are-"yay". So this exercise opened my eyes to the power of RSS feeds. If you're someone who checks the news, sports, blogs or any other perpetually upated website or feed, then RSS is a very useful tool. It will save you a lot of time by downloading the most recent posts made to a website. The top 1000 in Bloglines is a great way to start setting up your RSS feeds, as you will probably be subscribing to at least one of the first 10 feeds. So if you want to keep track of scores during a tournament, that information will be downloaded live to your RSS feeder and you dont' even have to bother checking any websites. My friend uses RSS feeds to get the latest NBA scores on his phone's web browser when he is in a Wi-Fi area - technology is getting better all the time.

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